Why does do we have to pen man against women, both movements are equally as important? I mean if women were treated equally in the workforce then I don’t think men would feel so much pressure to be the sole provider of healthy salary within the home (p104). I think both men and women can work together to stop this inequality. Being that it still exists to me means that not everyone wants things to change.
When I think of women vs. men I think about the recent democratic race. It was such and moment in history just have a woman make it so far but I notice that we still have a way to go as a society because as a whole we aren’t at a stage where a woman could lead the country. There have been woman leaders in so many other countries but not here and we are supposedly the leader of the pack, I find this hard to believe. I think being that we are in a man’s world and they call the shoots they aren’t going to ever have a woman in charge no matter how many movements we have. In others words in order to have equality justice and opportunity you need to be male (p79). This message has been taught and is still being taught with help further divide the genders.
Blogger Daphne2508 said...
Jennifer, OMG… I can’t even imagine how that was for you to actually have someone react like that to something that has nothing to do with them!? This is why I believe even with awareness it is so difficult to move away from behavior like this because men (most men) have to feel masculine. They feel certain things are women’s areas and they don’t want us crossing into there territory. Maybe that guy should have paid a visit to NOMAS because it really sounds like needs some help developing his emotions. (p97) It shouldn’t have to be that way he should have congratulated you for going above the norm and learning something traditional deemed and man’s territory. I mean last time I checked we can do just about any occupation and man can (which includes electrician work)!
June 13, 2008 8:24 PM
Blogger Daphne2508 said...
Anjum, when I first started to read your blog I thought “wow that sounds like the good life” but as I thought about it and it sounds like these women are oppressed. I mean they are dependent on there husbands and I don’t like the sound of that. Many women’s movements have tried to move away from this like the liberal feminism which advocates women’s equality in all spheres of life. Even though they aren’t “ill- treated” doesn’t mean they aren’t mentally oppressed. I don’t really know but it didn’t sound like you were stating that these women in different countries were educated and choose to stay home it sounds more like that is the traditional role they are suppose to play. Men in these countries are oppressed to feel as though they are expected to be the sole provider in there households (p104) who is too say they don’t want to have less pressure on them in there households? I just feel like on the surface it looks good but who really knows how happy these people are.
June 13, 2008 5:36 PM
Daphne, it is 2008 and I also agree that it is still a man's world. WHY? Because there is still a glass ceiling that women are still under. This democratic race was so intersting to see a strong independent woman stand up for her rights. Although she did not win, to me it is still a gain. It shows that the women movements are powerful and allowing us all to have a voice!
Many would say the same about Barak too. Why even bring up his race? Why even bring up Hillary's gender? Shouldn't it be just about the qualifications? I think yes and no..A person's race or gender is part of their experience and will be used in their decisionmaking...but, lumping them with everyone from that race or gender seems unfair.
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