This week I reflected on gender roles in the family. Recently I was watching World News with Charles Gibson and the subject of gender roles came up as they were talking to a married couple where the wife worked while the husband stayed home and watched the children. The wife had a MBA while her husband had a BA so for them it made sense for him to care of the children while she went out and worked. Financially she was making a lot more then her husband so they came to the decision that it would benefit them if he stayed home. This subject also came up in my Workforce Management course before. At that time I really didn’t think about the benefits I just thought a man must be a soft if he lets his woman work while he stays at home. I feel I was wrong in my assessment though. Some people have better skills then others, for example it may make sense if a man is more nurturing and academically incline for him to stay home with the kids. Not to say that there is something wrong with the mother but you should do what’s in your family’s best interest. I never really thought about it because I always just assumed that when I marry we would both work but then I thought about this couple from TV and I wondered if I could really be ok with that type of situation? I use to think a man isn’t pulling his weight if he is staying home and his wife is working but that is just not true. I mean it is a full time responsibility to raise a family and care for a household. I take it for granted that women do it all the time but there is something to be said for any person that is able to do that. What is wrong with a man staying home? I am starting to think that depending on your situation it may work for the husband to stay home with the kids. The text talks about this and will men be respected if they give up there careers and be homemakers (p 315) and I think that society is slowly changing to where respect will be given to homemakers regardless of gender. A man isn’t any less of a man because he stays at home (p 314) and the same applies to a woman in the workforce. I feel like in this course it really opens your eyes as to what it is to be a man or a woman in today’s society. You have to really look at all angles.
Response to daphne's Post.
Times are changing men and women both have very challenging professionals these days, there is nothing wrong if the men stay home and do all the household chores and take care of the family. I know of my doctor friend who is the sole bread winner and her husband enjoys being at home, does all the work like cooking,cleaning,etc.
Very interesting post! Indeed it really gets me to wonder differently as well. Today's society is alot different from how things were structured 50 years ago. Many "roles" are being reversed. There is absolutely nothing wrong if a man takes on the responsibilities of staying at home. Its all a matter of what is best for a family. Instead of the so-called "typical" housewife it is certainly possible for there to be a "househusband". The text states it best, that all social views can be changed p. 314.
I agree this class has really opened my eyes to view things differently but this is one thing that is hard for me to swallow. The norm is to see a man working and the woman being home. The man is to take care of the family and I am a huge believer of men financially taking care of the family. Although women are now getting more education, I still feel that men are to take on the stability for the family role. There are many things that I have learned but this one is so hard for me to digest.
I agree...There is nothing wrong with man staying home, cooking, cleaning and being the "woman" of the family. I was brought up in family where my mother stayed at home and took care of the house and family, while my father worked two jobs supporting the family. When my siblings and I were able to go to school my mom than got a job and helped support the family. In today's society either the man or the woman can be the breadwinner for the family and I don't think that’s a problem at all, although I think I would want the role of being the stay at home mom. LOL!!
Blogger Daphne2508 said...
Rachel, I agree with you we are all human and we should be able to feel free to express ourselves in any manner and not be judged. In order to create a better future then the past (which has formed who we are today) we have to be willing to learn about things that are different then we are (p314). In order to not have a world where people are made to feel dirty and discriminated against we have to move out of ignorance because once we do then we can learn about orientations that are different then ours and have acceptance.
June 20, 2008 8:36 AM
Blogger Daphne2508 said...
Tricia, good points. I think it is hard for women to be treated equitable and equal because of the way society perceives women. I know we have come a long way but on some level we are stilled viewed as second class citizens. I don’t feel like just women goes through unjust things though. What do you say to a man who has his children for the exact same amount of time as the mother but still have to pay child support and cover all medical and education expenses for his children? Mind you both parents are established in there careers. Is any part of this situation fair? I think not matter what side you are on there is some type of inequality. I think this is all a part of life. I don’t think the world will ever really be totally fair.
June 20, 2008 9:31 AM
Blogger Daphne2508 said...
Professor, I like this concept a lot. I would hope to have a child one day with cartoons being the way they are now I think my child will learn early in life that no matter your gender you can be in a lead position. I think it’s a good thing for a young girl to see a girl not be in a cartoon but star in one. It shows that we are important and we can hold things down for ourselves. As a child I had shows like the smurffs and even though I loved the show the only girl was smurffette and she was a supporting role with the show evolving around the men. This was common but today is a new day and as time goes on I think we will see many more cartoons where women (girls) are in charge. Soon there will be cartoons where the only character is a girl where no supporting actor (character) will be needed. This will make so when a young girl goes to grade school she will feel no limitations on her potential.
June 20, 2008 10:08:00 AM PDT
Interesting topic, I dont know if I can be as open minded about it. But the points you put out makes me think. I do think as a family you and your mate should do what is best for you and your family, your children etc. And if it means him staying home while you work then its really up to the both of you. I didnt see that special but it really is something to give some thought to.
Yes, we must start taking on new perspectives if we are to grow as women and as a society. Time to get rid of the gender stereotypes. A family become better more empowered as a unit and as individuals if we access what each one can contribute to produce the best outcome for everyone, especially as women are gaining more and more status and respect in the workplace.
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